💲Stripe Country Comparison

Originally published here on our old blog.

This version has been updated on 31-July-2024

Stripe is directly available in 46 countries. The charges vary country by country. As a thumb rule, Stripe charges are ~ 6.5%.

This Google Sheet compares all 43 Stripe countries. Make a copy if you wish to edit it.

Stripe charges depend on four main factors.

  1. Business Location: The country where your company (and bank account) is registered.

  2. Customer Card Type: Local cards are charged less while international cards are charged about 1.5% more.

  3. Presentment Currency: The currency in which you bill your customers.

  4. Payout Currency: Your local currency. Stripe usually pays you only in your local currency. Stripe charges a 2% currency conversion fee if your Payout Currency is different from your Presentment Currency. :(

Highest Stripe Charge Countries.

Assuming your presentment and payout currencies are the same, top-3 countries with highest Stripe charges are ...

  1. Mexico (7.10%)

  2. Hong Kong (6.25%)

  3. Malaysia (5.90%)

Lowest Stripe Charge Countries

Again, assuming your presentment and payout currencies are the same, European countries have the lowest Stripe charges (2.15% and 3.65% for local and international cards respectively).

Within EU, Norway has the highest Stripe charges (4.90% and 5.40% for local and international cards respectively).

NOTE: Please write to hello[at]sendwithses.com if you find a mistake in any calculations.

Last updated